Vacation Rentals & Apartments in Green Valley
Start comparing over 104 rentals in Green Valley and book at the best price!
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FAQs: Vacation Rentals and Apartments in Green Valley
How much do you pay on average for vacation rentals in Green Valley?
You have chosen the most affordable city in the whole country, at onlyCA$176.32 per night (2020 data).
During which months are vacation rentals cheaper in Green Valley?
After analyzing our data from last year, the months with the cheapest prices in Green Valley are May, December and November, with average prices of CA$142.02, CA$151.88, and CA$153.5, respectively.
When does the price of vacation rentals in Green Valley go up the most?
It can be concluded, by analyzing the data from the year 2020, that costs per night for accommodation here are usually higher, on average, during the months of April (CA$240.05), February (CA$205.79), and March (CA$193.32).
Is Green Valley a good location for a last-minute getaway?
It's worthwhile to be proactive in Green Valley as only 16% of the properties remain free throughout the year, following the data observed in 2020.
Which months offer the highest availability?
May, June and April are, in order of highest to lowest, the months offering the largest number of properties available, with respective average availability figures of 26.6%, 24%, and 21.75%.
When are fewer rentals available in Green Valley?
The months with the lowest properties available in Green Valley are, in order, February, March, and January with respective average availability figures of 0%, 0.5%, and 1%, based on data collected in 2020.
Are there many rentals in Green Valley?
In Green Valley we work with 3 different providers to give you a choice of 110 properties, so you will not be short of options!