Vacation Rentals & Apartments in Isla Mujeres
FAQs: Vacation Rentals and Apartments in Isla Mujeres
How much did it cost for a vacation rental in Isla Mujeres in 2020, the first year impacted by the corona crisis?
Isla Mujeres is one of the most expensive destinations in Mexico. For a stay here you pay around CA$450.70 per night.
What time of year offers, on average, the best vacation rental prices in Isla Mujeres?
According to our 2020 data, the months that hurt your pocket the least in Isla Mujeres are November, April and October, with average prices of CA$302.22, CA$310.7, and CA$343.99, respectively.
When does the price of vacation rentals in Isla Mujeres go up the most?
When it comes to looking for a vacation rental in Isla Mujeres, the most expensive months are, in order of highest to lowest, June, July and May, with average prices per night of CA$996.31, CA$650.3, and CA$474.8, respectively.
Is it necessary to plan a trip to Isla Mujeres well in advance?
We recommend you to book in advance in Isla Mujeres as only 46% of the accommodations are available throughout the year, according to our 2020 data.
Which months offer the highest availability?
The months when it's easiest to find free accommodation in Isla Mujeres are June (the average amount of properties that are available reached 75.25% of the total in 2020), August (66.4%), and September (66.25%).
When will it be harder to find an available vacation rental in Isla Mujeres?
Vacation rentals in Isla Mujeres reach their peak in demand in May, with an availability rate of 8.8%. The second most requested month is February, with 9.8%, and the third is January with 16%.
How many vacation rentals are there in Isla Mujeres?
Holidu collaborates with 5 different partners to give you a choice between 340 vacation rentals we have in Isla Mujeres.