Vacation Rentals & Apartments in Mont Saint-Sauveur

Vacation Rentals & Apartments in Mont Saint-Sauveur

Start comparing over 12 rentals in Mont Saint-Sauveur and book at the best price!

Find Vacation Rentals and Apartments in Mont Saint-Sauveur

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Prices and availability

Current Vacation rental prices Mont Saint-Sauveur

CA$230for 29 Mar - 5 Apr
CA$267 annual average
Average price per week

Current vacation rental availability Mont Saint-Sauveur

56%for 29 Mar - 5 Apr
64% annual average
Percentage of available rentals

FAQs: Vacation Rentals and Apartments in Mont Saint-Sauveur

On average, how much do vacation rentals in Mont Saint-Sauveur cost?

Considering the average cost of CA$413.01 per night, Mont Saint-Sauveur lies at the upper end of the price range for vacation rentals in Canada.

Which months allow you to save the most on vacation rentals?

Travellers who want to save as much as possible visit Mont Saint-Sauveur in December, May, and August, the cheapest months of the year, with average prices of CA$315.56, CA$336.48, and CA$369.69 per night, respectively, based on data collected in 2020.

During which months are vacation rentals more expensive in Mont Saint-Sauveur?

When it comes to looking for a vacation rental in Mont Saint-Sauveur, the months when it is most expensive are, in order of highest to lowest, October, March and September, with average prices per night of CA$510.05, CA$508.77, and CA$499.47, respectively.

Do I need to plan a trip to Mont Saint-Sauveur well in advance?

In order to not have problems finding accommodation in Mont Saint-Sauveur, it is necessary to think ahead as 79% of rentals are usually booked, according to last year's data.

What time of the year can I find more available vacation rentals?

In 2020, the months with the most vacation rentals available of the year in Mont Saint-Sauveur were June, October and May, with average availabilities of 39.25%, 26.4%, and 26%, respectively.

When will it be harder to find an available vacation rental in Mont Saint-Sauveur?

The month with the highest average booked rental figures is February (only 11.5% of properties were available on average in 2020). Followed by March (11.75%), and January (12%).

How many rentals does Holidu have in Mont Saint-Sauveur?

We have 60 rentals for you in Mont Saint-Sauveur, provided by our 2 local and international partners.